He may make you cringe from time to time or always thinks he knows best (trust us, he's probably right) but what are dads for, right? Whether he's your go-to guru for all matters of life problems, your shoulder to cry on or your late-night taxi when you miss the last train home - he deserves to be celebrated onFather's Day - quirks and all!!
Keep it Classic Dad
Dad washes his car on a Saturday never a Sunday. Classic dad. He has a signature dish that he loves rustling up on special occasions. Classic dad. He wears the same tie to work every Monday. Classic Dad.
If your Dad is so set in his ways its unreal, in this situation its best to play it safe. Treat him to something he will love to use time and time again, such as a bottle of his favourite aftershave.
If you want to try and update his old-fashioned ways, remember baby steps is all it takes! On this occasion, why not encourage him to swap his trusty 3-blade razer for a snazzy new electric one?
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Are you most likely to find your dad screaming at the telly watching his fave team? Or on the sidelines, come rain or shine, cheering them on? Perhaps he's the first to pull on his hiking boots to drag, sorry invite, the family out for a long Sunday walk? If this sounds familiar - you defo have a sports mad dad!
Find a gift that matches his on-the-go persona, that works just as hard as he does at his passion and hobbies! How about a zesty- fragrance to accompany him to a football match? Or a sweat-proof kit for the days he hits the gym?
And for extra brownie points, why not make him an IOU voucher (from you or from your kids, if your shopping on behalf of the little ones) for a group session of his favourite sport? The extra thoughtful touch is sure to go down a treat!
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Dapper Dad
If suave and sophisticated are two words that come to mind when describing your Dad then he deserves the ‘dapper’ label.
Perhaps he spends more time in the bathroom than you do? Or there is never a hair out of place in his perfectly pristine beard? Whatever the case, he clearly appreciates the finer things in life and would love a gift to match!
Home » Father’s Day Gift Guide
Father’s Day Gift Guide
Home » Father’s Day Gift Guide
He may make you cringe from time to time or always thinks he knows best (trust us, he's probably right) but what are dads for, right? Whether he's your go-to guru for all matters of life problems, your shoulder to cry on or your late-night taxi when you miss the last train home - he deserves to be celebrated on Father's Day - quirks and all!!
Keep it Classic Dad
Dad washes his car on a Saturday never a Sunday. Classic dad. He has a signature dish that he loves rustling up on special occasions. Classic dad. He wears the same tie to work every Monday. Classic Dad.
If your Dad is so set in his ways its unreal, in this situation its best to play it safe. Treat him to something he will love to use time and time again, such as a bottle of his favourite aftershave.
If you want to try and update his old-fashioned ways, remember baby steps is all it takes! On this occasion, why not encourage him to swap his trusty 3-blade razer for a snazzy new electric one?
Sports Mad Dad
Are you most likely to find your dad screaming at the telly watching his fave team? Or on the sidelines, come rain or shine, cheering them on? Perhaps he's the first to pull on his hiking boots to drag, sorry invite, the family out for a long Sunday walk? If this sounds familiar - you defo have a sports mad dad!
Find a gift that matches his on-the-go persona, that works just as hard as he does at his passion and hobbies! How about a zesty- fragrance to accompany him to a football match? Or a sweat-proof kit for the days he hits the gym?
And for extra brownie points, why not make him an IOU voucher (from you or from your kids, if your shopping on behalf of the little ones) for a group session of his favourite sport? The extra thoughtful touch is sure to go down a treat!
Dapper Dad
If suave and sophisticated are two words that come to mind when describing your Dad then he deserves the ‘dapper’ label.
Perhaps he spends more time in the bathroom than you do? Or there is never a hair out of place in his perfectly pristine beard? Whatever the case, he clearly appreciates the finer things in life and would love a gift to match!
Think pampering skincare, decadent deodorants and beard trimmers to help him keep up with his grooming routine.
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