The problem with sideburns is that when you mention them, people tend to think it’s an all-or-nothing kinda deal: you’re either completely without or full-blown Wolverine. Wrong. Sideburns can be an attractive, defining feature of your face, drawing attention to all the right angles and helping to give your #jawline a chiselled edge. If you’ve been trying to grow yours out but they’re getting too hairy to handle, here’s a simple guide to trimming, fading and shaping.
1. Trim time
Grab your clippers and use a guard that will give you a neat-looking trim. You don’t want there to be a massive difference between your head hair and sideburn hair, so choose a guard that’s the right length for your style. Use the Braun Styling Multi-Grooming Kit (it comes with loads of guard options) and trim from the bottom up.
Braun Styling Multi-Grooming Kit MGK3020
2. Fade like a pro
Take a guard that’s one point lower than the one you just used, to create a seamless fade. Chunky side panels of hair are not what we’re going for here.
3. Shape up
Get rid of the guards because it’s time to neaten up. Give your scruff some shape by tidying up the edges at your ear and defining the cheek line.
4. Finishing touch
Apply B. Men Beard Conditioning Oil to moisturise your facial hair and the skin underneath it.
Home » How to trim your sideburns
How to trim your sideburns
Home » How to trim your sideburns
The problem with sideburns is that when you mention them, people tend to think it’s an all-or-nothing kinda deal: you’re either completely without or full-blown Wolverine. Wrong. Sideburns can be an attractive, defining feature of your face, drawing attention to all the right angles and helping to give your #jawline a chiselled edge. If you’ve been trying to grow yours out but they’re getting too hairy to handle, here’s a simple guide to trimming, fading and shaping.
1. Trim time
Grab your clippers and use a guard that will give you a neat-looking trim. You don’t want there to be a massive difference between your head hair and sideburn hair, so choose a guard that’s the right length for your style. Use the Braun Styling Multi-Grooming Kit (it comes with loads of guard options) and trim from the bottom up.
2. Fade like a pro
Take a guard that’s one point lower than the one you just used, to create a seamless fade. Chunky side panels of hair are not what we’re going for here.
3. Shape up
Get rid of the guards because it’s time to neaten up. Give your scruff some shape by tidying up the edges at your ear and defining the cheek line.
4. Finishing touch
Apply B. Men Beard Conditioning Oil to moisturise your facial hair and the skin underneath it.
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