Join us next year in 2025 for all the best Halloween looks and inspiration.
In the meantime, check out our range of fragrances, cosmetics, skincare, and more.
Get ready for the upcoming party season at the end of 2024!

Need more Halloween ideas?
It's easy to get stuck in a Halloween look rut (cat, vampire, skeleton, repeat). But if you want to stand out at this year's spook-fest, then be inspired to try something different with our creative Halloween makeup ideas. Ranging from creepy classic looks to straight-up spooky, our tutorials will help you switch things up!
View inspirational Halloween looks

Superdrug Halloween 2024
Was that the floor that just creaked? Didn’t you just close that window? Do you feel the hairs on the back of your neck tingle?
That means the spookiest season starts now!
Party with looks so good and scary, they'll haunt you forever! Feel like being the wickedest witch around? Or make a spidersona so chic it makes your skin crawl? Make your look glam or ghoulish— out of this world like a mystic martian, or speak of the devil... whatever your Halloween vibe, Superdrug's got all your tools at the ready so you can get your freaky frights on in style!
So slay with looks so fierce, it's scary. Where even ice queens and clowns can look damned gorgeous. Get up and party so loud you'll wake the dead!
You've never been to a Haunted Halloween Party that's this… SUPER! And this year, you’re invited!
Come celebrate the most frightastic season with us because Superdrug is throwing the most epic Haunted Halloween Party ever!